Watch V Season 2 Episode 4
Watch V Season 2 Episode 4 this coming February 1, 2011. The newest episode of V Season 2 Episode 4 is entitled "Unholy Alliance". V television series has been giving us so much delight when it comes to science fiction. The characters unique personality hooked our attentions and even tickled our ingenious minds. Last week episode was really fantastic and it even promised to bring another astounding story that will continue the fun. The ending was quite unsatisfying thought; Ryan is reunited with his baby and tells Anna he knows the location of the Fifth Column. Is this the downfall of 5th column? What will happen once the V’s succeeded? And of course, V Season 2 Episode 4: Unholy Alliance is the answer to such calling. In this episode, After the Malik incident, Erica got a new partner. Erica and her new partner go after the leader of the radical faction of the Fifth Column when they murder three Peace Ambassadors. Meanwhile, all the priests around the world come out and expressed their resistance against the Visitors, Anna and Chad go to the Vatican to convince organized religion leaders that they came “for peace”. The V Season 2 Episode 4: Unholy Alliance episode was directed by Dean White and written by Rockne S. O’Bannon. Watch V Season 2 Episode 4 and let's rock your Tuesday evening.
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