Watch Doctor Who – A Christmas Carol
Just few more weeks before Christmas Day and few more weeks before I can Watch Doctor Who – A Christmas Carol (Christmas Special 2010). On Christmas, December 25, 2010 the world’s longest running sci-fi TV series will air its sixth Christmas special with the Doctor Who – A Christmas Carol episode. It is a rendition of “A Christmas Carol” with a time-travel twist. It is Christmas time in the Doctor Who land. Amy and Rory are trapped on a crashing space liner, and the only way The Doctor can rescue them is to save the soul of a lonely old miser, in a festive edition of the time-travelling adventure. And to save Amy and his husband Rory, who is on a spaceship about to crash, the Doctor must save the soul of a lonely rich man in Sardicktown. But is Kazran Sardick, the richest man in Sardicktown, beyond redemption? And what is lurking in the fogs of Christmas Eve?
Really looking forward to this - the sets and lighting look fantastic. Haven't enjoyed a Christmas special since Runaway Bride - in fact, all of the last Tenant special were pretty bad except Waters of Mars - but I think this will be the highlight of the festive season for me. Take a sneak peek at the first official trailer to come from the UK, released for the BBC’s Children in Need telethon. The Doctor Who – A Christmas Carol will star Matt Smith as the Doctor, Karen Gillan as Amy Pond, and Arthur Darvill as Rory Williams as well as guest starring Katherine Jenkins and Michael Gambon. The Doctor Who - Christmas Carol will run for one-hour. This episode was directed by Toby Haynes and written by Steven Moffat.The plot was based on the famous Charles Dickens’ novel, A Christmas Carol. Doctor Who - A Christmas Carol premieres Saturday, December 25, 9:00 pm ET on BBC AMERICA.
Really looking forward to this - the sets and lighting look fantastic. Haven't enjoyed a Christmas special since Runaway Bride - in fact, all of the last Tenant special were pretty bad except Waters of Mars - but I think this will be the highlight of the festive season for me. Take a sneak peek at the first official trailer to come from the UK, released for the BBC’s Children in Need telethon. The Doctor Who – A Christmas Carol will star Matt Smith as the Doctor, Karen Gillan as Amy Pond, and Arthur Darvill as Rory Williams as well as guest starring Katherine Jenkins and Michael Gambon. The Doctor Who - Christmas Carol will run for one-hour. This episode was directed by Toby Haynes and written by Steven Moffat.The plot was based on the famous Charles Dickens’ novel, A Christmas Carol. Doctor Who - A Christmas Carol premieres Saturday, December 25, 9:00 pm ET on BBC AMERICA.
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